Hi there,
Thanks for popping in. Just a quickie. So glad this morning’s water colour SHAC-Shack was well received! I think we’ll have a good week, developing those new ideas and perhaps trying them out on different subjects! I had a real hankering to colour in our toadstools from last week’s woods, but was way too busy with so much else all afternoon. I saw somebody else on facebook had done it too, beautifully, and wanted to try it even more! Then this evening, I remembered. MAKE TIME.
And so I did. Thing is, there’s a lot of drying time involved, and I got impatient, so must remember to give time time next time! Oh. And a heatgun works like a charm too….
But I pencilled the toadstools from last week into my water colour pad, inked them up with my No. 1 Micron pen that we use for doodling – and I was good to go! So that’s good to know: The Micron pens are water tight!
Not finished by any stretch, but a great start! And I’ve left plenty of room on the A4 leaf to continue the woodland scene. I love being able to sketch my own art into a water colour pad and paint it. That’s new for me too.
See you tomorrow at 10 in the SHAC Shac! Here’s the link to the SHAC SHhack Shop, if you need a mix mat or anything. Actually, check out the bundle with the water colour pads, brush pens AND Mix mat. Very very good price…CLICK HERE

Gotta go. Been a long day!
Love and Hugs
Barb xxx